Tag: informed agents

Five types of investors: Which one are you?

In previous posts we considered informed and uninformed market participants. We then introduced another type of participant which we called the foolish investor. In an attempt to outperform the market foolish market participants actively trade to their own detriment at inefficient prices. Here we refine our definition of foolish market participants by dividing them into three groups: the gamblers, the deluded traders and the irrational traders. Each group is foolish in a different way.

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Grossman-Stiglitz paradox: Arbitrageurs outperform an efficient market

Consider a securities market where price-sensitive information is available only to participants who pay a fixed cost in money or effort. So only paid-up agents know the fair prices of securities. However, not all agents would be willing to pay for information. Some would argue that because there are enough informed market participants, ensuring that securities are correctly priced, why then incur the “unnecessary” cost of gathering information?

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